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Version: 1.2.0


Avatar ScriptLink APIs must respond with an ErrorCode (i.e., Status Code). The valid codes are defined by myAvatar and are listed below with their helper class equivalents.

The helper class is designed to help your code remain readable even to new developer who have never worked with Avatar ScriptLink before.

myAvatar ErrorCodeAvailable ErrorCodesDescription
0None, SuccessIndicates that the request was successful and no prompts are required.
1ErrorIndicates an error occurred, a notice should be displayed, and processing should be aborted.
2OkCancel, WarningIndicates a business error occurred and the user should be prompted whether to abort processing as a result.
3Info, Informational, AlertIndicates the request was successful a message should be displayed to the user.
4YesNo, ConfirmIndicates a business error occurred and the user should be prompted whether to abort processing as a result.
5OpenUrlIndicates that myAvatar should launch the URL passed in the ErrorMesg.
6OpenFormIndicates that myAvatar should launch the myAvatar form specified in the ErrorMesg.